~ Issue #1 (July/Aug 1988)  -to- Issue #285 (December 2012) FINAL ISSUE ~
Collection 100% complete and mint

Sample covers (click for larger images)

Issue #1 Jul - Aug 1988
(pics 1-2-3-4-5-6-7)

Issue #2 Sept - Oct 1988
(pics 1-2-3-4-5-6-7)

Issue #3 Nov - Dec 1988
(pics 1-2-3-4-5-6-7)

Issue #4 Jan - Feb 1989

Issue #16 Sept - Oct 199
0 (orig-dithered)

Issue #00 '88 Poor mock-up of non-clay by VGO

Sample Articles & Misc (click for larger image)

Issue  77 "10 Years of Nintendo" -  Page 1-2

Issue 77 "10 Years of Nintendo" -  Page 3-4

All 7 issues of FCN + First 8 issues of NP

  Complete set of Nintendo Power Magazines (2008)

Nintendo Power Store Sample Pages
Strategy Guides Page
StarFox Weekend Competition Cart Ad (Only $45!)


Sample Articles & Misc (click for larger image)

"Hey! Where's the clay?!" Issue #1 as seen in Nintendo Fun Club News...

A quick palette fix for Super Mario by VGO (not official, of course. Here is a comparison

Nintendo Power 173 w/ Pokemon EON ticket intact

Click for full resolution

Nintendo Power Subscription History (Past, present, and future NP subscriptions)

November 1988 (v.002) - September 1989 (v.007)

November 1989 (v.008) - August 1990 (v.015)
This subscription came with a FREE gift of a SILVER WING PIN which was shipped on October 20, 1989.

January 1991 (v.020) - December 1991 (v.031)
This subscription came with a FREE gift of a DRAGON WARRIOR GAME PAK which was shipped on November 29, 1990.

January 1992 (v.032) - December 1992 (v.043)
This subscription came with a FREE gift of a BOOKS which was shipped on September 5, 1991.

January 1993 (v.044) - December 1993 (v.055)

December 1993 (v.055) - December 1994 (v.067)

January 1995 (v.068) - December 1995 (v.079)
This subscription came with a FREE gift of a DONKEY KONG COUNTRY PLAYERS GUIDE which was shipped on November 17, 1994.

January 1996 (v.080) - December 1997 (v.103)
This subscription came with a FREE gift of a N64 PREVIEW VIDEO which was shipped on December 26, 1995.

September 2001 (v.148) - September 2004 (v.183)
CONKER'S BFD PG which was shipped on August 20, 2001.

October 2004 (v.184) - September 2005 (v.195)
T-SHIRTS, A.CROSSING/ZELDA:WW which was shipped on April 23, 2003.

October 2005 (v.196) - September 2006 (v.207)
ZELDA COLLECTORS EDITION DISC which was shipped on November 24, 2003

October 2006 (v.208) - September 2007 (v.219)
BUNDLE PAK-ZELDA FOUR SWORDS bundle shipped on June 4, 2004

October 2007 (v.220) - September 2008 (v.231)
METROID ZERO MISSION GUIDE which was shipped on December 19, 2006.

October 2009 (v.244) - September 2010 (v.255)
ZELDA:TP GUIDE & SOUNDTRACK CD which was shipped on April 24, 2007.

October 2010 (v.256) - September 2011 (v.267)
FINAL FANTASY TACTICS ADV PG which was shipped on May 7, 2007.

October 2011 (v.268) - September 2012 (v.279)
ZELDA MINISH CAP GUIDE which was shipped on May 14, 2007.

October 2012 (v.280) - September 2013 (v.291)
ZELDA:TP GUIDE & SOUNDTRACK CD which was shipped on May 23, 2007.

October 2013 (v.292) - September 2014 (v.303)
ZELDA:TP GUIDE & SOUNDTRACK CD which was shipped on May 23, 2007.

October 2014 (v.304) - September 2015 (v.315)
This subscription comes with a FREE gift of a Metroid Prime 2: Echoes GUIDE.

October 2015 (v.316) - September 2016 (v.328)
ZELDA:TP GUIDE & SOUNDTRACK CD which was shipped on June 23, 2007

***New expire issue: Oct 1, 2016*****

 I collect
Nintendo guides, so instead of just buying them outright for $16.95
 each I paid $19.95 and received a year of NP magazine.
 Many of them also come with other extras such as
t-shirts and soundtracks.

**Refund check from Future US, Inc. for $69.83 - Reimbursement for remaining issues (NP canceled in 2012)


Here is the official discontinue letter from Nintendo
(Reggie Fils-Aime, & Chris Slate) from 09/27/12


The final issue of Nintendo Power (#285 / December 2012) x3 copies (1 is a Subscriber Exclusive)

intendo Power Magazine was launched in July of 1988.
It was the successor of the Nintendo Fun Club Newsletter. If you were a member of the Nintendo Fun Club you probably received the first issue for free. Of particular interest is the change in cover design on the premiere issue from cartoon-ish graphics to clay models. If anyone has an original cover, "clay-free", I would be interested in buying it!

Nintendo Power has also produced many popular strategy guides over the years.
It's partly because of the free guide giveaway with paid subscription promotions that Nintendo Power owes it's success.  Most Nintendo Aficionados are proud to display their copy of the Official Nintendo Player's Guide.


All information and images contained within this website are © Matthew Henzel & Video Game Obsession 1996-[present]
Please contact me if you wish to use anything.